

is bliss. Or so they say.  I, on the other hand, cannot tolerate stupid ignorance.  You know the type.  Someone who should know better, doesn't.  And never will.

Someone I know, who shall remain nameless, is completely ignorant in the worst way.  This person is completely prejudicial against any race other than their own.  This person makes disparaging and degrading remarks about groups of other races constantly feeding into long held stereotypical beliefs.  I think it is rather rude.  And ignorant.  And I seriously wish this person would get a clue before I let them have it.  I have continued to keep my comments to myself because I prefer to be non-confrontational until I am pushed too far.  And then I have been known to push back. 

As a wife and mother to two of my favorite people in the world who are not caucasian and in this certain person's skewed view my husband and son are not considered to be as "worthy" as they are, I take offense.  Seriously take offense.  And I am seriously feeling as though I am being pushed.  I am ready to enlighten this person and educate.  However, I am afraid that my voice and opinion will fall on deaf ears.  You cannot change those who are unwilling to learn.  And expand their narrowed views.

I cannot believe that anyone could still have these beliefs in 2010.  I know racial stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination will probably always exist in some form however I am still hopeful that it will one day be eradicated completely. 

How ignorant can you be to judge someone based on the color of their skin?  To miss out on learning about other cultures based on the color of a person's skin.  To ignore someone based on the color of a person's skin.  To actually hate someone solely based on the color of a person's skin. 

And discrimination doesn't stop there.  I won't even begin to delve into how people discriminate based on religion.  And discriminate based on sexual orientation.  And even discriminate based on gender. 

Well I have a message for this person.  You lose.  You are the one who loses the opportunity to learn something that you know nothing about.  The opportunity to learn fascinating things about other cultures.  The opportunity to witness cultural traditions.  The opportunity to meet new and interesting people.  Yet the funny thing is you are too ignorant to realize it.  So yeah YOU lose.

The other issue I have with your comments is that they always seem to be underhanded.  Underhanded but let there be no mistake, they are heard.  Heard loud and clear.  You do not even have the courage to say your comments to another's face.  And if the person who the comments were underhandedly directed at ever decided to confront you, I truly believe you would never own up.  An ignorant coward.  That is exactly what you are.

And while I'm at it, please do not make the mistake again about assuming anything about my son's birth mother.  My son is not trash and was not "dumped" like trash.  My son's birth mother kept him for six weeks.  Six.Long.Weeks.  And I cannot begin to explain why or how she could ever part with such a beautiful child.  But what I do know is that he was left where he was sure to be found.  And with a note attached.  We will never know the answers as to the whys and hows.  And the unfortunate thing is that this is something my son will have to live his life not knowing.  I will never be able to answer simple things about the day that he entered this world like how much he weighed and how long he was.  And I only have one tiny, microscopic black and white picture of him as a newborn.  As a matter of fact, I have only five pictures of him before the age of two.  Another glaring sad reality.  So make no mistake, my son is absolutely not trash and is loved beyond measure by his momma and dadda, his nana and grampa, his abuelo, his aunts and uncles, his cousins, his extended family and by many close friends.

So it is quite unfortunate that you still have your head in the sand.  You really don't know what you are missing out on.

And just so you know, we are all of the same race.  It's called the human race.


6 months

Six months ago today, a happy, smiling baby was placed in my arms and things will never ever be the same.

To celebrate our 6 month anniversary, I'd like to share a few things about Aiden, our son.

He hasn't stopped smiling.  He's a bit of a comedian.  He loves to laugh and make you laugh.

He isn't much of a baby anymore.  He has grown an astonishing four inches in six months. His weight has remained about the same.

He can cut a rug.  He absolutely loves to dance and will dance to anything that has a rythym.  He even tries his best to keep up with the stars on Dancing with the Stars.  He likes to sing too.  Sometimes sings so loudly during American Idol that we can hardly hear the contestants.

He loves, loves, loves to eat.  He is still not a huge fan of anything meat related but will down just about everything else.  I think his favorite food right now has to be Cheerios - we can't keep enough of them in the house.

He is smart and I mean really smart.  His vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds and I am surprised each day what he picks up...both in English and Spanish.  It is amazing just how much he has learned in such a short time.  He may just be smart enough to become a doctor...or something even more useful to our family - a veterinarian.

He hates ALL things medically related and has proven to be one of the most difficult children that All Children's has ever attempted to draw blood from.

He is beginning to love Nascar making Angelo one happy daddy which makes a happy mommy too because there will be a day that Aiden can take my place at all things race related.

He is a lefty.

He is gorgeous.

We call him Indio.

People often comment on what a lucky child Aiden is that we came into his life, but in reality we are absolutely the lucky ones to have been blessed with this wonderfully sweet child in our lives...and for that, I will be forever grateful.  I love you my sweet boy!



Angelo is a good dad...I might even go as far as to say a great dad.  However his dad skill set is very limited in the outfit department.  And anyone who knows me, knows I have a bit of a Type A personality.  I mean even my pajamas have to match.  There are many times that I have to control my controlling personality with the outfits he selects.  But I think the outfit I came home to tonight has to be one of the most creative...

Don't ya just love the strips with the camo shorts?

Look closely and check out the shirt on backwards...

Do you think he knew I was laughing hysterically at his outfit?

can you hear me?

Easter Reese's Pieces in our ears...probably already trying to tune his mother out.

she's got legs

or wait, maybe that was a "he".

Aiden loves shoes and apparently even likes mine!

I think even this boy's pigs look good in heels!



Check out this great website Wheat and Wildflowers for beautiful handstamped necklaces!  Two of the necklaces benefit a non-profit organization I recently began having the pleasure of working with - An Orphan's Wish.   An Orphan's Wish is a unique project in the Guangxi Province of China.  They are located outside the beautiful city of Guilin.  It's a very special place for orphaned children to receive medical care, therapy and education. They specialize in helping babies and children with cerebral palsy, clubfoot and other significant needs that require specialized care.  Ten percent of each sale of the necklaces designed for An Orphan's Wish will be donated to An Orphan's Wish on an ongoing basis.  Aren't they beautiful!  Get yours today - I did!



a week later...  Sorry for the delay but I've been too tired on Sundays to post anything.  Only a few more days of tax season left so I hope to start blogging and posting more often!

The Easter Bunny stopped by our house last week with some really cool Easter loot for Aiden.  He loved the jelly beans until he found the chocolate.  Now he no longer loves the jelly beans and I couldn't get him to successfully eat another one once he discovered the chocolate.  He would just chew them up and then spit them out...a boy after my own heart!