Last weekend I had the opportunity to witness and help officially pin my brother Nathan as a newly appointed Captain in the United States Army. Words cannot express how proud I am of all he has accomplished.
It was a moment he worked hard for. A moment that he couldn't wait for. And it was a moment that he couldn't wait to be over. You know, because there was work to do.
He will now be responsible for the safety and well-being of over 200 soldiers as they are deployed to Washington D.C. to watch over and protect our nation's capital.
There were times when we I was not so sure the military was the right fit for him. I admit now to being oh so wrong. It was not only the right fit, but something with which he has excelled.
It hasn't been easy. There have been many hurdles along the way. And probably a few bumps and bruises. It may even be associated with a gray hair or two.
There was bootcamp. Here we all are at his graduation. The graduation we almost didn't make it to because of a defective heater in the camper. Thankfully the carbon monoxide detector worked that night or it might have been a lonely graduation ceremony. :)
There is also the fun known as PT. Here he is demonstrating the pull-ups they are required to do. There would probably have to be a crane involved in order to just get me up to the bar, much less pull myself up.
And the goodbyes are probably the hardest part of the job. Thankfully the furthest Nathan has been deployed has been Washington D.C. He is one of the lucky ones. He is heading back there again soon.
The military hasn't all been hard. Don't let him kid you. He loves some of the "work" they do on drill weekends. Like repelling. And driving humvees.
And then of course there are the sweet, sweet homecomings that just make your heart melt.
Some might say Nathan was destined to be a soldier. I think he was probably born wearing camoflauge. He constantly sported it his entire childhood. And it is probably the reason I love it so.
His son Gabe may even be destined for the military and to follow in his daddy's footsteps. He's a chip off the ol' block. Except for his fear of bugs. I'm not sure how that'll work out after hearing some of Nathan's stories during his time spent in advanced training involving scorpions and poisonous snakes.
Nathan has accomplished so much during his time in the military. Throughout these years he's become a husband, a father, a soldier, an officer, a graduate, a teacher and something more. He has become a man who is willing to die for his country. For our country. And for our freedom. Because the military is so much more than just a job, it is a way of life.
We are all so proud of you Captain and all you have accomplished.
To see more great Sunday Snapshots, head on over to Stefanie's blog at Ni Hao Y'all:

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication Nathan. We appreciate all that you do!
ReplyDeletecongratulations to Nathan! Thank you for your dedication to our country!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Nathan! Thank you for your service - we owe our freedom to you!
ReplyDeleteVERY cool that you could be there for such an important day for your brother!!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures! That Gabe is too cute... those curls, oh MY!!