So we finally were able to switch rooms after going back and forth with the front desk and housekeeping. It is a world of difference! It is not cold in here by any means but it is at least comfortable. And it is quiet...really quiet. Our room before was on the 9th floor facing the main road and the morning sun. We had to open our windows to try to cool it down so you got a lot of the smog and you could hear honking all night long. We finally got our guide involved to get our room moved. We are only just across the hall but it is so much better! We are all a little less cranky! And we are feeling rambunctious and going to try to cook hot dogs and baked beans in the hot pot tonight! Wish us luck – we are sick of eating McDonald’s and Subway.
Friday we went to the Lama Temple. It was beautiful! People go there and light three incenses and then make their prayers. I felt like we were invading at times but it was neat to see. After we got back, my dad and I went and picked up McDonald’s for dinner. There were several street vendors out trying to sell their goods, anything from jewelry and fruit to adorable puppies that were certainly not old enough to leave their mother. I do see people with dogs here so I am hoping they are going to be someone’s pets! When we came out of McDonald’s, it looked like the local police were making them pack up.
Saturday was our “free” day and the only time we left our hotel room was for breakfast downstairs and to get bread for our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (which were wonderful by the way and probably one of the best meals I’ve eaten here). Otherwise, we just played peacefully in our room.
Today, Sunday, we went to the Beijing zoo. The zoo paled in comparison to anything we have in the United States. There were several pandas and their exhibits were fairly nice. The big cats though were a different story. The outside exhibits were decent but the inside exhibit was nothing more than small cells for such big beautiful creatures. And there was absolutely no fresh water for any of them! It definitely appeared that the pandas were their top priority! We also saw a nice enclosure of monkeys with several babies. The zoo also had two bears, several wolves and some other animals that I’ve never seen before. All in all, it was nice but they seriously need to make some upgrades and add some bigger exhibits for the animals.
Aiden continues to be a really sweet boy. He is absolutely a love! The only trouble I am having with him is at naptime and bedtime. He is not a happy camper when it is time to lie down. I think he is just having so much fun with all of his new toys and us that he just doesn’t want his time to end! And what kid likes bedtime??? I do believe it will be a little easier to put him to bed when he is in his own room at home. Everyone is all in the same room here so I think it makes it a little harder. Last night I hid in the bathroom to see if he’d stop crying with me not being around but it didn’t work that well either. What a difference from the first day when he would just cry silently. Now we are up to full blown crying!!! I liked the silent crying better but he is displaying more normal two year old behavior now.
Aiden is a little mimic and loves to copy what everyone is doing. He loves to dance and has a newfound fascination with the bathroom. He can say “hi”, “momma” and is an expert at blowing kisses. He is a real entertainer and loves it when people are paying attention to him. He will go up to complete strangers and give them hugs and kisses. I have gotten a couple of comments that my son “looks Chinese” and that he has my “face” and that he is “fair” like me. At least two people here thought he was my biological son and that his father was Chinese. It is funny to me to think that Chinese people think that this beautiful Chinese boy was born to this blonde haired and blue eyed woman. I do think he kind of looks like one of the Gosselin kids though….hmm… has Jon Gosselin been to China???
Tomorrow we are headed to the Summer Palace. Depending on the weather, we may get to take a little boat ride across the lake that is there. It is supposed to be a beautiful place. I’ll take pictures and let you know!
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